Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Holidays are Coming!

I've been buried in webserver, ASP, HTML and CDONTS work for my mother for the last week and a half and I'm finally coming up for air. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten a lot of beading done during that time, but I have started on my mom's Christmas present, which includes netting bezels around seashells she brought back from the Outer Banks. It's the first time I've used right angle weave (RAW) to start a bezel, and then I'm cinching them up with peyote. I'm rather happy with the way it's coming, but I've only got three done out of the 18 or so that I have to net. Good thing I love my mother :)

Currently, my poor computer is bogged down while I try to upload photos to Etsy and print holiday greeting cards for one of the artists that I carry here in the gallery. My poor pc is moaning & groaning, but I can't help but multitask! Plus, I'll be out in Utah the next few days, so I'm trying to clear some things off my to-do list. I almost wrote "desk" but yeah... the desk will always look like a tornado hit it.

I've finished several of the beaded ornaments and finally got around to listing them on Etsy today. I was going to put them in a friend's shop here in town, and I still may, but for now, they're in my gallery and my Etsy store. They're rather Victorian, but not heavily beaded.



GrandmaMarilyn said...

Beautiful ornaments. Can't wait to see what you make for your mom. Yes, working on the computer can take up a lot of time.

Welcome To Wilmoth Farms said...

Those ornaments are totally awesome! I just love them!!! I think I'll have to visit etsy now and put in my order! On my way there now!

Welcome To Wilmoth Farms said...

I got my ornament in the mail! I LOVE IT!!!!!! Thanks sooooo much! It has its own display hook being proudly placed on the piano! THANKS

Jama said...

You just made my night!!! Thanks so much! Glad you love it!