I've been absent with a stuffy head and playing catch up at the gallery after missing work for 2 days, but I'm back! I'm also a member of Etsy-Beadweavers now, meaning that I'll be participating in their monthly challenges, which is a great kick in the pants. I need a little extra boost to get my brain moving in new directions. It also means that I have to post the piece on Etsy, which means more listings and more work for sale. Huzzah! The challenge for September is "Complimentary Contradictions" and is due by the 5th, so I must get cracking.
Yesterday, I received my advance copy of Bead&Button's October 2008 mag. In the center of this edition are the 2008 Bead Dreams finalists featuring moi! I am so incredibly thrilled to have my piece pictured alongside Sherry Serafini's work and in the same category as Heidi Kummli. These women are two of my design heroines. Do yourself a favor and get their book, "The Art of Bead Embroidery." It's eye-candy and inspiration.
I also stuck my neck out and contacted the Objects of Desire Gallery in Louisville. Everything they carry is wearable art and I need to get my stuff into galleries in larger towns. I love Lebanon, but many of my pieces don't exactly speak to my clientèle here. Besides, I'm supposed to be working on promoting myself, right?
That is really cool that you are in the bead and button magazine. Did you post that in the forum and the group? You need to let us know too, you know.
Congrats on being a finalist in the '08 Bead Dreams competition! I can't wait to see all of the entries and just drool!
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